Friday, September 18, 2009

ADOBO Fried Rice

ADOBO Fried Rice
(original recipe)


Leftover Adobo (chicken, pork or beef)
Day old white rice
1 Yellow onion chopped
olive oil

*any other fried rice items. Be creative!

First mince chop yellow onion and set aside. Then debone the adobo meat, and strain all the sauce and oil from the leftover adobo through a mesh strainer. Heat up a large pan with olive oil and all of the left over adobo sauce. Chop up the deboned meat, in small chunks.

Heat up a large pan or wok, with the olive oil and strained leftover adobo sauce. When mixture is hot enough, fry onions until it becomes translucent and soft. Next add the chopped adobo and mix with the onions. Immediately mix the white rice in and keep on mixing until the rice breaks up completely and is all separated. Add salt to taste. Serve HOT!

My Review: This Recipe was so easy to make.. and didn't require anything to tedious besides chopping and frying. It was also very FULL-PROOF. Next time i would add extra ingredients like green onions, fried egg, maybe a frozen vegetable medley (without the lima beans). The thing i love about fried rice is that its very easy to make and you can be very creative each time. Fried rice also becomes more FULL-PROOF when you add more ingredients and Hella White Rice! =)

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